Within the scope of our Shared Merch service, which we have implemented to facilitate the lives of our business partners and to maximize efficiency in terms of benefit and cost balance, we provide hourly merchandising services to the highest revenue-generating points in regions where limited teams cannot cover. We monitor our operations through digital platforms and measure and report our business results. Most importantly, we do not charge additional costs for the obligations related to the training, motivation, occupational health and safety, entitlements, and compensations of the Merchandisers.
In today’s competitive retail environment, the power of discount supermarkets is steadily increasing. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider merchandising services. Under these conditions, it becomes necessary to cover high-potential sales points in all regions and to maintain brand awareness.
You don’t have to worry about personnel salaries, meals, transportation, social security premiums, clothing, training, occupational health and safety, equipment, control & management (Site Project Manager, Business Manager, Project Manager, Trainer, Analyst), severance pay, seniority indemnity, agency service fees, etc.